
Seven Prague Delegates Sail Early; Other Members to Follow in Week

Policy Reports Will Be Ready Soon as Strenuous Debates Are Seen Near Completion

NEW YORK, July 18-In a last minute decision that broke up a carefully planned schedule, seven members of the United States delegation to the World Student Conference in Prague sailed for Europe Tuesday evening aboard the S. S. Brazil. With the group was S. Douglas Cater, Jr. '46, representative from the University and New England and head of the Economic Security Committee.

Departure for the entire group is set for a week from today, but the seven delegates decided to proceed ahead after passage on the Brazil was offered them. After a stop-over of several hours in London, they will proceed to Paris and thence to Prague, where the rest of the American group will join them in time for the Conference, scheduled to start August 17.

Progress made since the original meeting of 25 delegates convened in New York a week age last Tuesday has exceeded the most far-flung estimates, after almost a week of exhausting sessions averaging ten hours a day, with a breakup into smaller groups each evening to study the city.

Post-Conference Activities Unknown

The New York meeting was called to formulate a program and decide on parlimentary and political issues before the delegates sailed for Europe. The 18 remaining members will continue until departure to revise their findings, although the extensive concluding reports already filed are expected to be altered only slightly.


These reports, which will form the basis for the delegation's stand on specific issues in Prague, are expected to be made public shortly.

When the delegation will return is still a matter of speculation, as no return passage has been booked by any of its members.

Activities after the Conference have not been fixed, but it is known that Yugoslavia has extended an official invitation to the delegates to visit that country, and other nations may follow suit.
