
Proposals for Big Science Center Building Approved by Corporation

Ground to Be Broken Shortly for New Cyclotron Laboratory; Psychology Department to Take Over Mem Hall Cellar; Enlargement Planned for Stillman Infirmary

Plans for the construction of two new buildings and the modernization and enlargement of four others were announced yesterday by Paul H. Buck, Provost of the University.

Ground may to broken in the near future for the new Cyclotron Laboratory, and plans are being drawn up for a new huge science center to be located opposite Mallinckrodt Chemical Laboratory on Oxford Street. Memorial Hall, Stillman Infirmary, the Hygiene Building, and Gibbs Laboratory of inorganic chemistry are to be enlarged and renovated.

The Cyclotron Laboratory building will be located behind the Gordon MeKay Engineering Laboratory and will house the University's now cyclotron. The former cyclotron was used extensively during the war, both here and at the army's Los Almos, New Mexico, atomic bomb project. It has been given to the Army.

Planned as one of the largest buildings in the University, the Science Center will run from the corner of Kirkland and Oxford Streets all the way to the Pierce Engineering Building, and will connect with the Cruft Laboratory of Physics.

Both the Stillman Infirmary and the Hygiene Building are to be enlarged by temporary steel additions. At Stillman this will give added space for beds and kitchen facilities, and at the Hygiene Building the space will be used for the employee's clinic, thus enlarging the dispensary for the students.


NROTC Equipment Moved

Naval ROTC equipment, including guns, a rifle range, and submarine-attack teaching device, is being moved into two small buildings behind the Biological Laboratories, the Radio Research Laboratory and the Test Laboratory. Both of these have been used in special war work.

Modernization of the equipment and the interior of the Gibbs Laboratory of inorganic chemistry is also anticipated.

The Science Center, which is entirely in the drawing board stage, will be built in three parts, as funds become available. Physics, Mathematics, Geological Sciences, and Astronomy will eventually be housed in it.

Dean Buck explained that the Corporation had approved of all these projects, but that final plans must wait on the decision of the Civilian Production Administration.
