
Knock Prices Down!

Below is a list of price complaints received at the Crimson since Tuesday, excepting those that were not confirmed by investigation. As an added incentive to merchants who "hold the line," names of stores recommended by students will be printed henceforth if turned in at 14 Plympton Street. Harvard Variety Store  large ice cream cones from $10 to $14 Rarry's Areade Spa  small ice cream cones from $05 to $07 J. Press  custom suits from $95 to $110 dress suits up to $140 Bill's Place  coffee up to $10 (still $05 with food) Thomas Sandwich Spa  Coffee, white and sweet, $10 up five cents hamburger, $20 up five cents cheeseburger, $25 up five cents Daley's  frappes from $15 to $20 Gold Coast Valeteria  Isundry; shirts, $15 to $18 pajamas, $22 to $25 Wursthaus  all prices up on food and drinks (found nature) Hazen's  ham sandwiches, $20 to $25
