
A.V.C. Moonlight Cruise Sails Tonight; Cocktails Will Flow

Chartered by the American Veterans Committee, the SS Mohawk will set sail this evening for a moonlight cruise in Massachusetts Bay. Dancing and refreshments will be part of the evening's program, which also includes a beauty contest and a cocktail party.

Twenty-five wounded veterans from the Chelsea Naval Hospital will be guests of the Committee, and an equal number of Radcliffe girls and Wacs will go as dates for the disabled men.

A cocktail party in honor of Arnold Rivkin, who was elected regional vice-chairman for New England at the Committee's convention last month, will be held during the cruise.

The ship will leave from India Wharf, 310, Atlantic Avenue, at 8 o'clock. Tickets are being sold at Phillips Brooks House.

The harp is a development of the warrior's or hunter's bow with one tense string, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
