
$100,000 Suit Against University Continues

Mrs. Jean Bullit Darlington, of West Chester, Pa., who is suing the University for $100,000 because someone in Fogg Museum gave her Rubens painting. "Descent from the Cross," to an unauthorized art dealer, thereby starting it on a six-year journey, came to Fogg Wednesday to inspect her long-missing masterpiece.

She is waiting, she said, to see what Harvard is going to do about the law suit. Harvard, or Oscar M. Shaw, attorney handling the case for the University did not say what would be done about it. Shaw feels that the "situation may be clarified" in a few days.

Harry Lacey, Boston interior decorator who acquired the painting in payment for work which he did at the Boston Art Club, added it to his living-room decorations without knowledge of its value. He may also have a claim to its ownership.

Meanwhile, the painting, which underwent renovation by turpentine and floor varnish sometime during its six-year absence, remains upstairs at the Museum.
