During a meeting yesterday morning with a delegation of prominent Cambridge citizens, City Manager John Atkinson said that his office had made a mistake in withdrawing the permit for the Harvard, Liberal Union's OPA booth in the Square and in discouraging the group from distributing their leaflets. He added that the booth could be reestablished with the consent of the street department and the deposit of a $1,000 bond.
The delegation, organized by Mrs. Dorothy Colby, legislative chairman of the Cambridge Citizens Political Action Committee, and headed by Councilman Joseph Deguglielmo, also obtained Atkinson's promise of cooperation in future activities and demonstrations for OPA.
Difficulties started in this case last Tuesday afternoon when Cambridge police, on the order of the City Manager, retracted the permit of the Liberal Union group and forced them to move their booth from the streets. In addition, the authorities had said that the men would be held responsible if their pro-OPA literature became strewn on the sidewalks. The HLU appealed immediately to the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the Cambridge PAC.
In addition to those mentioned above. the delegation consisted of: Stanley Geller '40, of the Harvard American Veterans Committee; Richard Reichard; Charles G. Sellers '45; Maurice C. Benewitz '47, of the Harvard Liberal Union; Wendall H. Furry, professor of Physics and Chairman of the Harvard Teachers Union; Henry Copley Greene, prominent Cambridge citizen; Mrs. Henry Copley Greene, of the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions; the Reverend Kenneth DeP. Hughes; and Ben Wollins, attorney.
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