
More Volunteers Asked to Perform In Cambridge Centennial Pageant

President Dunster and First Commencement Depicted at Stadium Event Next Month

Unless some Harvard men volunteer this week to play the part of early university students in Cambridge's $65,000 100 the Anniversary Pageant, Harvard men will be represented by miscellaneous town citizens," William E. Van Lennep, theatre curator of the College Library, declared yesterday in a plea for help.

The pageant, explained by Van Lennep, includes two scenes which depict, the early life of the University-one commencement ceremony in which President Dunster hands out the first degrees, and another "gay 90s" act, featuring crew, football, and baseball squads. And the pageant committee, of which Mr. Van Lennep is a member, wants some Harvard men to volunteer to help in these two scenes.

"No lines need to be learned" van Lennep emphasized. "we don't need polished actors" He said that appropriate costumes would be provided each man for his part and that the costumes would be given to the individual after the final performance. In addition, pictures will be taken of all groups taking part in the anniversary celebration.

Only one or two short rehearsals will be necessary before the presentation, according to Van Lennep, Performances will be given in Harvard Stadium four evenings, July 1,2,3 and 4, unless rained out, in which case fewer performances will be scheduled.

Men interested in appearing in the pageant have been requested to contact Van Lennep in the Theatre Collection, college Library.


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