
Crimson Nine Ends Spring Campaign Visiting BU, Yale

Wholley Will Face Terriers; Samborski Selects Knowles For Tough New Haven Game

Over a prolonged weekend, the Crimson baseball squad, now under the tutelage of Adolph W. Samborski, will seek to close its season auspiciously in games against Boston University, which it has already beaten, on Saturday, and Yale, at whose hands it has tasted defeat, on Monday. Both games will be played on the rivals' fields.

On May 4, Joe Phelan spun a neat 3-hitter to blank the Terriers 6 to 0 on Soldiers Field. The story was just about reversed on June 5, when Joe Gathman let the Stahlmen down with 3 hits while his mates pounded the lead up to 8 to 0 before Jupe Pluvious stepped in and called a halt to the contest in the sixth inning.

Spring Season Still On

The passing of the spring term leaves Samborski with an awkward problem on his hands. Though the spring season has not yet been declared defunct several of the regulars are hot registered this term and are not in Cambridge. These men, however, are still eligible and although there is little likelihood that any of them will play against B.U., Samborski is counting on them for the Yale contest.

The B.U. game will provide a proving ground for men who will participate in the informal season which begins after Monday. In the infield, Samborski has been experimenting with Bill Fitz at first, Jim Apthorp at second, Dave Farrell at short, and Tom Sullivan at third. Of these, only Fitz was with the team last semester. The chances are that this will be the starting infield when the team takes the field at Riverside.


Wholley To Face B.U.

Norm Wholley will be on the bill against the Terriers and Joe Frazer might also see mound duty.

The Yale tea that the Crimson will be facing is the same Yale team that won the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League title. It is feared that Harvard batters will be facing the offerings of Frank Quinn, who in his first 42 innings whiffed 55 opposing batters. For the Crimson, Johnny Knowles and Joe Phelan will both take turns on the hill, Knowles being the expected starter.

The club's record for the season is six wins against seven losses so that a clean sweep over the weekend will finish the team over the 500 mark.
