
PBH Greets New Men With Speeches, Movie

Freshmen and New Upperclass Veterans Hear Dean Waite

Phillips Brooks House opened its doors to approximately 75 College newcomers yesterday afternoon, welcoming them with punch, cookies, speeches and a motion picture in its customary term beginning open house for newcomers.

First to greet the gathering of Freshmen and new upperclass veterans was C. Robert Ogden '45, assistant graduate secretary of PBH, who welcomed his audience and presented Richard A. Waite, Jr., Assistant Dean of the College and graduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House. Dean Waite added further words of greeting and explained some of the functions of the College social service bureau.

To conclude the session, a Technicolor motion picture, "Harvard Highlights of 1944-45," was shown. The film, produced by the Harvard Film Service, depicted scenes of Commencement exercises in 1944 and 1945, the College's VE-Day celebration, and the combined Harvard-Tufts Medical School Commencement. Dean Wait gave a running commentary.
