
HAA Reveals Summer Plans in Four Sports

Crimson athletic squads will be active in four minor sports during the summer, Carroll F. Getchell, HAA official announced Saturday. Tennis, track and soccer aggregations will participate in informal competition with local and New England opposition while at least one Harvard crew will take to the water against whatever competing eights are available.

Coaches Jack MacDonald and Dick Ashley hope for large turnouts to lend impetus to the newly-planned summer soccer and tennis schedules. The booters will be battling for places on the regular fall eleven, while the netters will seek to match their successful record over the past spring's matches.

After only a mediocre showing in the first post-war regattas, the Varsity crew can expect a shuffling of oars in an effort to reach a winning summer combination. Bert Haines in charge of activities at Newell in the absence of Tom Bolles, will experiment with holdovers and returnees alike in order to add luster to a record that holds but a single win, though over Yale.

Jaakko Mikkola's thinclads are an unknown quantity if the point-getting Fisher brothers do not return to heave the weights around the Stadium this summer. The track schedule is indefinite, as are those for all minor sports, but the H.A.A. foresees little difficulty in arranging home-and-home matches with other schools in the area who are conducting full-scale summer sessions.
