Six new Overseers of the University, elected by alumni mail ballot, were announced last week at the Commencement meeting of the Alumni Association. New directors-at-large of the Association, the Graduate Schools director, and members of the Fund Council were also announced.
Five Overseers, to serve six years, are Edward B. Krumbhaar '04, Philadelphia, professor of Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania; Brig. Gen. Hanford MacNider '11, Mason City, Ia., former Assistant Secretary of War and former U. S. Minister to Canada; Henry W. Clark '23, Juneau, Alaska, of the Alaska Development Board; Lawrence Coolidge '27, Hamilton, Mass., member of the law firm of Gaston, Snow, Rice & Boyd; and William G. Saltonstall '28, Exeter, N. H., newly-named principal of Phillips Exeter Academy. The sixth Overseer, Rev. Charles W. Gilkey '03, Chicago, associate dean of the University of Chicago Divinity School, will serve for two years, filling the unexpired term of the late President-emeritus William Allan Neilson of Smith College.
Directors-at-large, to serve for three years, are: William A. Barron, Jr. '14, Boston, manufacturer; Augustus Thorndike '19, Boston, surgeon; Alexander J. Cassatt '27, Philadelphia, insurance executive; and Frederick R. Moseley, Jr. '36, New York City, banker. The Graduate Schools director, to serve for three years: Donald H. McLaughlin, San Francisco, Cal., geologist and educator.
New Fund Council members, to serve for six years, are: Percy W. Brown '08, Cleveland, broker; James J. Minot '13, Boston, financier; and Robert B. Watson '37, Cambridge, associate dean of the College.
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