William H. Davis, former chairman of the War Labor Board, and Judge Ewin Davis, present chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, will be the featured speakers at the tenth weekly Law School Forum in New Lecture Hall tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. The subject will be "The Trust and Cartel Problem in the United States."
Sharing the platform with the two Davises will be Gilbert Montague, prominent New York anti-trust lawyer, and Hugh Cox, from the anti-trust division of the Department of Justice.
Governor Maurice Tobin may be an honored guest at the Forum.
A new Board of Directors, elected by members of the Forum early this week, will be formally inaugurated before the discussion begins. Jerome L. Rappaport '45, 1L, now president of the organization, was returned to the board, compiling 179 votes out of the approximately 300 cast. Also renamed, taking second and third place in the balloting, were John F. Kiezan 2L and Samuel Pruitt 1L, now secretary and treasurer respectively.
The new board will meet tomorrow to pick officers, name committee chairmen, and arrange for next term's series of forums.
Rappaport announced yesterday that approximately 300 copies of the LaFollete-Monroney resolution on the reorganization of Congress and 300 copies of the TNEC's suggested changes in domestic trust laws will be distributed at the meeting.
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