Five additional dollars per term on the medical and infirmary fee will be the Hygiene Department's first concrete move toward meeting the combined problems of greatly increased costs and a 60 percent larger University, it was announced yesterday by Dr. Arlie V. Bock, chairman of the Hygiene Department.
Projected to increase Stillman's present 65-bed capacity by at least 50 beds, plans for a Quonset hut installation connecting with the main building were still in the hands of Provost Buck yesterday but should be carried out by September, according to Dr. Bock.
The new $15 fee, which will first appear on the summer term bills will be the chief factor in eliminating further Hygiene Department deficits which Dr. Bock estimated at $65,000 for the current fiscal year.
Pay, Food Costs Rise
Normally able to make both ends meet and also have a substantial reserve, the Department has experienced a 72 percent rise in food costs since 1942, and a wage boost of about 100 percent for general help, with raises in the pay and numbers of doctors and nurses scheduled for the near future.
Endowment funds account for only one-sixth of the $150,000 spent annually for the University's health while two-thirds must come directly from the students.
Dr. Bock estimates that there have been 28,000 visits to the 15 Holyoke Street clinic in the last two terms, including a steady stream of returning service men who promise to keep a staff of doctors continuously busy with physical examinations for the next two or three terms.
Besides the necessity of finding additional office and ward space in Stillman Infirmary itself, Dr. Bock predicted that the present overcrowding in Hygiene Building offices would soon have to be assimilated into the rear part of the Big Tree Pool building next door.
Recommendations for the five dollar increase in the medical fee were included in a report submitted by Dr. Bock last September but, due to printing difficultie, not issued until this week, concurrent with Faculty approval of the measure.
Requirements for temporary additions to raise Stillman's capacity were given to the Faculty on the basis of future enrollments estimated in February, and authorizations should be forthcoming for construction to start in early summer.
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