Carpenters and workmen moved into the Yard last week, shoved pigeons and students off the steps of Memorial Church, and started building. Said the boss of the gang in profound prognostication, "General Douglas MacArthur will tread these boards come June 6 when Commencement rolls around."
"He's the man to whom they'll give the number one honorary sheepskin. He'll hop on his private B-29 in Tokyo and get here just in time," the chief declared. "Anyhow, even if he doesn't make it, he deserves the degree."
David M. Little '18, secretary of the University and chairman of the Commencement speaker's committee, could not be reached for comment on this prediction, the season's first open conjecture in the annual mystery of honorary degree recipients.
"What are we doing here so early?" continued the strategist with the saw in his hand. "Why we're commencing Commencement. We're off to a quick start in case we get delayed for a while on account of rain. It always rains before, but never on Commencement Day." With renewed energy he picked up his hammer and nailed in a board muttering, "This one's for Mac."
The platform on the Church steps, he explained, was being built to hold President Conant and the fellows of the University, the Deans, the Sheriff of Middlesex County. General MacArthur, the other recipients of honorary degrees, and assorted other dignitaries, all ennobled with caps and gowns. The extension to Sever is really another platform designed for the Glee Club. This is the one he looks forward to tearing down on June 7.
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