
Stassen Opens Godkin Lecture Series Tonight

Former Governor Will Deliver 3 Talks on 'Human Rights'

Ex-Governor Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota will deliver the first of three lectures on "Human Rights" tonight at 8 o'clock in Sanders Theatre. Named to the University's historic Godkin lectureship this year, the Republican leader will also speak tomorrow and Thursday evenings. All lectures are open to the public.

Tonight's lecture is entitled "Human Rights and Mechanisms of Government," while "Human Rights and National Sovereignty" and "Human Rights and Concurrent Duties: Economic, Social, and Political" are scheduled tomorrow and Thursday evenings respectively. Dean John H. Williams of the School of Public Administration, who is administering the lectureship, will introduce the speaker.

The former governor will be a guest of the School of Public Administration faculty at a dinner this evening in the Faculty Club, while President Conant will honor him tomorrow evening at dinner. Three luncheons at the Society of Fellows dining hall, to which faculty members will be invited, are scheduled today, tomorrow, and Thursday.
