
Russian Newsmen Top Nieman Parley Today

Fellows Meet for First Time In History of Foundation

The visit of two of Russia's outstanding journalists, Ilya Ehrenburg and Konstantin Simonov, will highlight today the first reunion of newspapermen who have held or now hold Nieman Fellowships at the University. A series of programs for the Fellows extends from yesterday afternoon through tomorrow.

Seventy-nine of the ninety-eight journalists who have come to Harvard under the plan founder in 1937 by a bequest in the will of Mrs. Agnes Wahl Nieman are attending the conference, which began yesterday with a discussion on international affairs by Dean Landis and others in the Faculty Club. Today there will be two dinners, a breakfast, a luncheon, a tea, a "Derby party with Mint Juleps," and two forums.

Ehrenburg and Simonov will meet President Conant this morning and will be great speakers at a Faculty Club luncheon. At a mass breakfast tomorrow the Fellows will make plans for the foundation of a permanent Nieman Fellows' club.
