To the Editors of the Crimson:
I was pleased this morning to read your commentary on the situation created by the banning of women's voices from the Memorial Church Choir.
I believe that all will agree the segregation is a useless move based greatly on individual prejudice. Why the University officials should choose a small group of thirty people on which to enforce their antiquated "Blue Laws" is unapparent to me. Harvard and Radcliffe classes are combined and the two colleges are very closely knit. It seems absurd to deal Cambridge and Harvard such a set-back in choral music.
Under the combined efforts of Professor Wood-worth and Professor Davison the mixed choir has attained a degree of perfection for which a men's chorus in vain would strive. These two men have done their utmost to keep the choir together, but now their work is thwarted by the bias of a couple of University officials.
I earnestly believe the matter should be reconsidered by the Church officials, and I hope that a sacrifice on their part may be made in the interest of the colleges and the community. Carl Frederick Zahn '49.
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