
Vote Reveals 6-1 Majority Behind Prague Delegate

Council to Accept Applications At PBH Until Noon Monday For Representative of Area

Representation at the International Student Conference to be held this August at Prague was wholeheartedly endorsed by the undergraduate body, as preliminary tabulation of the Thursday dining hall poll revealed approximately 6 to 1 majority in favor of the plan, Council President Thomas L. P. O'Donnell '47 said last night.

With student approval now assured, current interest centers on the choice of the individual delegate who will represent not only the University but the entire New England area. Application forms which must be filled out by noon, Monday, instead of Saturday as previously announced, are now available to anyone interested in serving at Phillips Brooks House.

Raab Added to Committee

The name of Herbert N. Raab '47 was added yesterday to the special committee of four students and one faculty member whose responsibility it will be to select the delegate. Robert Watson '37, associate dean of the College, who represents the faculty, and Dan H. Fenn, Jr. '44, who will act as chairman, were designated last Tuesday along with members John C. Harper '46 and John C. L. Hulley '44.

No figures were released last night on the number of applications already offered. Expecting a large number, Fenn declared that his committee would convenes at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening in Phillips Brooks House for preliminary discussion of the candidates. He expected that a decision would be reached early next week unless an unforeseen deadlock develops.


The application statement informs the candidate that by submitting himself for consideration, he commits himself to reporting on the results of the Conference next fall not only to the College but to other institutions in New England as well. Specific matters on the conference agenda that apply particularly to students are exchanges, scholastic relief, establishment of low-cost tours i foreign lands, and education policies. The political trends of the Conference will also require elucidation.

The would-be delegate must also guarantee that he will be attending the University in some capacity next September.
