"Shin kicker!"
That was Bill Cunningham talking. He was giving the works to James A. Walker, instructor in English, whose assignment to two of his English A sections had the misfortune to fall into the ears of the man with the large column in the Boston Herald.
And the Tuesday meeting of Section 16 was the fruition of the three weeks' work. Present were the students, Walker, and Eiijah William Cunningham, who came prepared to defend himself against a paper written by a Freshman.
Before he got onto the actual paper, however, Cunningham had a few words with Walker. Brushing aside Walker's protest that he didn't mean to be so harsh on Bill and that he had been misquoted, Cunningham intoned, "That misquoting business is an old device people use when they wish they hadn't said something."
When he got down to the Yardling's composition, Cunningham wasn't quite so vituperative, probably being overawed by the English A manner of composition. The student, applying his eversharp pen to Cunningham's back in the prescribed manner lifted a few of the phrases sticking out all over the column and cited them as an example of something or other very bad. William objected unhappily that that was taking a statement out of context. "A honey of a way to take a person apart," he grieved.
Boston's oracle took a last wistful look at the ster's paper tearing him apart. "If I could write without the criticisms of editors and monitors," he said cryptically, "I'd write like this."
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