
Freshman Confy Guide Poll to Be Circulated Today

All Students Requested to Fill Out Questionnaire for First Guide to Courses Since 1942

Students itching to pass along their accumulated course experience will get a long-delayed chance to share their wisdom with initiates today at lunch when questionnaires for the first Crimson Confidential Guide since 1942 will be distributed in the dining halls.

Famous in the past for its unbiased and uninfluenced analyses of some 50 courses--those open to Freshmen regularly or with the instructor's permission--, the Guide has reflected student opinion in terms frank enough to prod coasting faculty members out of their complacency.

The Confidential Guide covers all aspects of each of the courses: its contents, lecture material and presentation, value of the reading, length and difficulty of assignments, examinations, and general comments on the value of the class. The poll handed out today will give all students who have taken "Freshman" courses a chance to give their opinions of them in these varied aspects.

Those which will be considered as "Freshman" courses are: Anthropology A, 1a, 1b; Astronomy 1a, 1b, 2; Biology Da, Db; Chemistry Aa, Ab, B, 2, 3; Economics Aa, Ab; English A, A-1a, A-1b, 1a, 1b; Fine Arts 1Aa, 1Ab, 1E, 1Ba, 1Bb; French A, C, D, E, F, 6; Geology 1a, 1b; German A, C, D, E, F, 1;

Also: Government 1a, 1b; Greek Ga, Gb, Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb, 2; History 1a, 1b, 5a, 5b; Italian 1a, 1b; Latin Ga, Gb, Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb, 1; Mathematics Aa, Ab, C, 2; Military Science 1a, 1b; Music Aa, Ab, 1a, 1b; Philosophy Aa, Ab, B, C, D, E; Physics Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb; Psychology 1, 2; Sociology Aa, Ab; Spanish 1a, 1b.


Founded in 1925, the Guide was at first published in the columns of the CRIMSON, then began to be issued in pamphlet form, as it will be once more next year. At the start of the effort, also, the opinions were formulated by a committee of CRIMSON editors without relying on any College-wide poll such as the one to be taken today.
