As a result of elections held Wednesday evening at Phillips Brooks House, the Student Council chose the following officers for the fall term: Levin H. Campbell 3rd '48, of Short Hills, New Jersey, as president; Roger S. Kuhn '46, of New York City and Adams House as treasurer; Frank T. Lebart NROTC'47, of San Pedro, California, and Eliot House as secretary.
Following the election of its officers, the Council proceeded to elect four undergraduates to fill existing vacancies in membership. The new men, who will take office at the beginning of their next term in college, include Robert S. Sturgis '44, of Weston and Leverett House, Henry Lee, Jr. '47 of Cambridge, Edus H. Warren, Jr. '48, of Danville, Virginia and Adams House, and Edric Weld '46 of Plymouth, New Hampshire and Leverett House.
Will Elect five Additional Men
In the fall, in addition to those chosen last night, the Council will also hold elections for three more members to be chosen by the student body. These, with two more to be chosen by the Council, will bring the council membership to the limit of 17 as required in its constitution--nine members picked by the students, and eight appointed by the college.
Owing to the paucity of members who will attend college during the summer term, the Council also voted on Wednesday to curtail its operation during the summer. In its stead, a temporary committee composed of all resident council members and headed by S. Douglass Cater '46 of Montgomery, Alabama and Wigglesworth Hall, will conduct all business normally handled by the council.
The new president, Campbell, a veteran of two terms on the council, has also served as a member of the Lampoon staff, was co-Chairman of the Student Committee on General Education, and has aided in the publication of his committee's reports on the reduction of tutorial.
His co-Chairman on the General Education Committee, Kuhn, who will become Treasurer, is a member of the Glee Club, in which he will serve as secretary next fall. Secretary-to-be Le Bart, has played Varsity football for the past two years--and last year was named to several all New-England elevens has served as Batallion Commander of the NROTC unit, and has held the post of Chairman of the Student Welfare Committee.
Of the new members, Sturgis now serves as President of the CRIMSON, Weld has been editor of the 1946 Red Book, and a member of the General Education Committee, and Lee is on the Lampoon.
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