Undergraduates with a yen for journalism are invited to appear at 14 Plympton Street Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock for the start of the Crimson's spring competitions for the news, photographic, and business boards. More complete details will be found in Thursday's issue.
When the ink meets this page in the early hours of this morning. CRIMSON editors who wistfully watched the last issue roll off on May 27, 1943 will celebrate along with undergraduates past and and present, who have been waiting for the student body to express itself more completely through "Cambridge's Only Breakfast Table Daily."
"Daily" will have to remain a misnomer until fall, when the diminishing-editor process which reached its height in February of '43 will have reversed itself sufficiently to enable the Board of Editors to present the news for students to read every morning over their soft- boiled eggs.
Among college newspapers in this region, the CRIMSON believes that it is the only one to have continued wholly independent financially and editorially, since Service News editors were responsible only to the departed editors as represented by a Graduate Board.
The last CRIMSON carried on its mast head 29 editors who has been more or less active while the present one bears the names of 25 all of whom can look forward to comparatively unfettered futures
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