Nominated last week by President Truman as Civil Aeronautes Board chair man, James M. Landis, dean of the Law School, stated that his position in the University when he undertakes his now duties is still "under discussion." The nomination will become effective June 8, following Senate approval, at which time Landis will replace L. Welch Pogue who made known his desire to resign from the post several months ago.
Dean Landis, although he has not as yet announced the policies which he will carry out as board chairman, predicts that the board's decisions on routes and rates for international air traffic will be of much greater significance in the next decade then those pertaining to national commercial aviation.
Stating that "nobody can foresee the expansion of aviation in the near future, Dean Landis feels that the power of fully developed national and international air transport to preserve peace is important.
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Acting independently of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, which carries out the board's decisions, the CAB operates under the Civil Aeronautics Authority a legal subdivision of the Department of Commerce, as the principal regulator, investigator, and adjudicator of our commercial airlines.
The board's investigating functions are mainly related to safety and operating costs. It is engaged at present, Dean Landis pointed out, in a sweeping survey of the cost of ground services. in connection with this, he expressed a high regard for the research on commercial airline operation which is being conducted here by the Graduate School of business Administration.
Dean Landis has been Dean of the Law School since 1937. During the War he was director of the office of Civilian Defence and of Economic Operations for the Middle East as well as a consultant to the War Department. Previously he was Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and a member of the Federal Trade Commission.
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