
Harlow Sees Fall Outlook Clouded By Uncertainties

Spring Practice Sessions show Strong Line Prospects, but Weaker Backfield Candidates

Resuming spring practice sessions after a week's layoff, Dick Harlow and his staff are back on Soldiers Field again, trying to whip up a satisfactory advance version of the Crimson entry in the Great Antumnal Madness.

But numberous uncertainties are complicating the scene this year the possible continuation of the draft law, the problem of retaining present lettermen, especially Navy students, the guessing games as to who will be returning from the service--all these factors make the gridiron picture this spring far more complicated than ever before.

Certain names stand out from last year's experience, and a few more from pre-war campaigns are expected to appear on the programs this fall. But the greatest part of the team remains to be molded from the very green material that has formed the bulk of the turnout thus far.

The one most apparent fact about the present squad is the marked predominance of the line over the beckfield. The expected return of '42 Varsity ends Pete Garland, Len Cummings, and Wally Flynn, and guards Sidney Smith and Charley Gudaltis, together with '42 center Jack Fisher, who has already returned, should add experienced punch to the line. Add standout wartime tackles Chester Pierce and Johnny Coan, and guards Ned Dewey and Mal Allen, and the line begins to shape up.

The backfield, however, lacks the playing experience of the forward wall. '43 captain-elect Cleo O'Donnell is expected to re-enter College in June, and will probably share the wingback duties with Leo Flynn next fall. These two, however, are the only pre-war veterans who will be available.
