Wellesley (the town) was gerrymandered by Republicans in 1940 to throw its straight-ticket G.O.P. weight into a neutral district, so George R. Kelly '44 will take the stump next fall to see if his Irish-veteran-Harvard background can put him, as a Democrat, into the State House of Representatives.
"Party labels won't mean much," opined Kelly yesterday, between puffs of cigar smoke, "particularly when there's a large and unknown vets' vote." He comes from Norwood where he can be assured of strong Democratic backing, while he hopes to make inroads in conservative Wellesley with his Harvard degree and College connections.
Accent on Youth
On the strength of service in Bougainville and the Philippines, the student politic will point up the veteran angle, emphasizing his 28 years of age as the "youth" which he claims the electorate will be seeking.
Appropriately enough, Kelly has been concentrating in Government, so that by the time he graduates in June he will have had the benefit of much of the knowledge and experience the Faculty has to offer, and will already have a strong push into the election arena by being unopposed in the primaries June 18.
The big stumbling block which a recent Republican Legislature put in front of Democrats in the district of 40,000 people, Kelly explained, was to group Republican Wellesley with the towns of evenly divided Norwood, Westwood, and Dover in spite of the fact it was not adjacent to any of them.
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