Maybe it's just the silly season, but it looked Tuesday night as if Harvard had gone publicity mad. Two editors of the CRIMSON were chatting pleasantly and privately with Miss Chilli Williams in her dressing room backstage at the Wilbur Theatre when two members of the Dramatic Club were ushered in. A few minutes later, three members of the Jubilee Committee have into sight. Blinded by polka-dots, everybody had an angle and Miss Williams took all bids.
Ballyhoo number one, announced yesterday, is a male beauty contest, sponsored by HDC to attract attention to their forthcoming production of "Winterset." Miss Chili Williams, HDC announced yesterday, will select "Mr. Harvard of 1946" at a contest tomorrow afternoon outside of the Pi Eta Club, corner Boylston and Mt. Auburn Streets.
Two bit players in "Bigger than Barnum," Miss Jean Mode and Miss Patricia Neal, will assist in the judging. The feminine trio is expected to arrive at the Square at 4 o'clock. A modest parade of two automobiles and a truck will convey the actresses from Radcliffe down to the Yard, and thence will wend its way among the Houses, winding up outside the Pi Eta Club at 4:30 or 4:45 o'clock.
Miss Williams has said that the contest winner "must have more than good looks," but nobody is quite sure what she means. After Tuesday night's performance, the bigger-than-life blende said demurely that she was really just a country girl.
Ballyhoo number two will be sponsored by the Jubilee Committee, who announced last night that Miss Williams will also make a personal appearance at the informal dance Friday.
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