
Food Cut Action Student Decision, University States

Council Will Poll College to Determine Slash in Meals In Drive for European Relief

Following approval today by the Administration, the undergraduate Food Relief Committee of the Student Council will narrow down a list of proposed items to be eliminated or reduced in the house dining halls and submit it to the Council in preparation for a poll of students on final action for aid to the starving in Europe, Co-Chairman Richard D. Campbell Jr. '48 announced last night.

The list, presented yesterday to vice-President Edward Reynolds '15, Aldrich Durant '02, Business Manager, and Arlie V. Bock '15, chairman of the Hygiene Department, suggests such measures as eliminating desserts, allowing one glass of milk at lunch, limiting the amount of bread to be eaten, and offering a choice in the quantity of meat to be taken.

Committee to Donate $1,000

Further action to be taken by the Committee includes a final decision as to the allocation of the $1,000 donated by the Council and selection of the agencies through which donations are to be made. In addition, the Committee will organize a drive for direct contributions in the houses, and sponsor a campaign for food boxes which will be mailed directly to European families with the name of the donor of their $5 cost attached.

As yet, no conclusion has been reached regarding the destination of the parcels. Campbell expressed the hope, however, that at least part of the aid will be given to students in European universities.


While promising full cooperation in the campaign, Reynolds and Durant both stated last night that responsibility for the planning and execution of the program rests entirely with the students. The University will cooperate with any action taken by the students but they will not initiate the undertaking.
