
Canny Canine Joins Quest After the Tree of Knowledge

First it was a Harvard education, then it was a joint education and now it is--well, what is it, anyhow? Latent speculation on the subject arose Monday, when the 350 students who managed to beat the clock to a 9 o'clock class in History 5b met a new member of the course, one shaggy dog, Yale '48.

The A.S.P.C.A. representative made the grand tour of Emerson D, finally coming to a halt at the Podium, where Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger was busily declaiming the faults of the Harding administration.

Professor Schlesinger stopped, eyed the intruder coldly. "I'm glad," he said, "that the dogs are going to history. I had thought history was going to the dogs."
