
8 O'Clock Curfew For Lady Guests Asked by Council

Parietal Rules Within Houses Would Be Altered in First Major Change in Five Years

Extension of visiting hours for woman guests in all Houses until 8 o'clock was recommended as a change in the Parietal Regulations by the Student Council in their Thursday meeting. In addition, the Council proposed that on nights of open House dances late privileges be extended to members of other Houses planning to attend the dance.

Such a change, if accepted, would be the first enacted since June of 1941 when the present "Oxford card system" was introduced in the Houses. This system provided that each member of the House be permitted to sign his own guests in and out although the hour of departure remained 7 o'clock as previously. It was no longer necessary to have the presence of a third person, but as at present the system affected only those living in the Houses.

More Entertainment

The proposal was brought to the attention of the Student Council by the Inter-House Social Committee, composed of the Chairman of all House Committees. Two major arguments were advanced in favor of the revision. The first was that a later hour would be more convenient by coinciding with the prevailing opening times of theatres and other places of entertainment.

Also stressed by the committee was the fact that even at present there is no uniform closing times for the Houses. Despite the closing hour of 7 o'clock set by the Parietal Regulations a wide area of discretion has hitherto been left to the individual House Master, Permission has often been extended to later nights when women were allowed in the dining halls, holidays, and other special occasions.
