Wyndol Gray, captain of the '45-46 Varsity quintet and former all-America forward at Bowling Green resigned yesterday his recently acquired position on the Eastern All-Star squad and will not play in tomorrow's game at Madison Square Garden.
Gray's choice as the eleventh man on the Eastern team was revealed early this week, but subsequent to the announcement transportation difficulties arose which have prevented him from being flown to practice is New York.
Previously announced nominations for the Eastern squad include N.Y.U.'s Sid Tanenbaum and Frank Mangispane. Dartmouth's Bob Myers, St. John's Harry Boykoff, Temple's Tem Joyce, colgate's Ernie, Vanderwaghe, Pittaburgh's Harry Zeller, Muhienberg's Harry Deaovan, Navy's Ken Shugart, and spectacular Eirnie Calverley of Rhode Island State,
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