

Union Selected as Site for Saturday Night Festivities

Plans for the program of the entire weekend of the Harvard Jubilee, April 26 to 27, were released last night by Buel S. Smith '49, chairman of the Class Committee. Two new points emerged in his statement; the Union will be used for the formal dance Saturday night, and a "gala revue" is in preparation for the Friday evening festivities.

Smith expanded on the advantages of the Union over the alternative sites such as Mom Hall and the Indoor Athletic Building. "In addition to its striking decor," he said, "there are hopes for opening the rotunda for moonlight dancing."


An informal dance Friday night, which Lawrence F. O'Donnell'49, vice-chairman, dubbed an "Icebreaker," will feature a revue under the general direction of Robert L. Wechasler '49, dealing with "Jubilees--frim Puritans to Prohibitionists."

Jefferson Wylie of the New England Time and Life office, Smith declared, has expressed interest in "the revival of peacetime Jubilees at Harvard," a fact which makes possible "Life" magazine coverage on Saturday night. Smith added that an individual who preferred to remain anonymous has contacted officials of Universal and Warner Brothers pictures in the hope of securing the presence of several starlets. He emphasized, however, that no response has been received to date.
