In an effort to transform what Norman Thomas called "academic wondering" into concrete action, the Law School Forum devoted its third meeting Friday evening in New Lecture Hall to a discussion of "Full Employment in a Free Society."
Speaking to a capacity crowed were Thomas, former Socialist presidential candidate; Dan T. Smith, professor of Finance; Alvin H. Hansen, Littauer Professor of Political Economy; and Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Republican, from lows. Moderator was E. Merrick Dodd, Jr. '10, professor of Law.
Socialist Program "Not Radical"
Thomas advocated a Socialist program of government ownership, which he declared would be no mere "radical" today than the atomic bomb. Professor Smith doubted that "full employment to attainable in a system of full free private enterprise and free choice by purchasers." Senator Hickenlooper maintained that "it would be utter folly for the government to rearrange our economy and create the illusion that everyone would have a job."
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