

Annual Fiesta Is Topic at Freshman Council Meeting

Facing at the outset the primary question of the date of this year's Freshman Jubilee, the newly constituted '49 class committee chose the weekend of April 26 through 28, in its first meeting last night at 7 o'clock in Phillips Brooks House.

Arthur C. McGill '48, acting as temporary chairman for the Student Council, emphasized on behalf of the group that the arrangement must be tentative for a week, at least. "The band decides the date and the budget decides the band," he said, making tacit acknowledgement that all depends on the number of men buying tickets.

Despite all the uncertainties in the picture, Gunther K. Rosinus '49 and John K. Lally '49 were asked to prepare a tentative budget, under the most conservative turnout estimates. His associates also designated Buell S. Smith '49 to begin the crucial hunt for bands.

The merits of Friday as opposed to Saturday night saw considerable discussion by the committee. While the inevitable 12 o'clock curfew discouraged the choice of Saturday night, nevertheless the committee thought it might be preferable for out of town girls, and that its selection would make possible a more balanced wekeend.

Two men, Salvatore Costa '49, of Stoncham, and John H. Greene '49 of Brookline and Dudley Hall were added to the committee before adjournment.
