
Cross-section of Departmental Tutorial Plans

(The following represents a survey of most of the largest departments offering tutorial as regular parts of their curricula.)

Anthropology--tutorial for Juniors, Seniors in Group IV and higher.

Astronomy--very few concentrators, students judged individually for tutorial.

Classics--giving as much tutorial as possible with shorthanded staff.

Economics--not yet organized to fit Faculty vote, future plans to be announced shortly.


English--tutorial for Juniors, Seniors Group III and above, specially qualified Sophomores.

Fine Arts--up to limit of Faculty vote, thus including 40 per cent of concentrators.

German--will continue within budget limitations and Faculty ruling; favors as much as possible.

Government--if enough qualified tutors are available will reach Faculty limit.

History--when situation in Faculty and student body improves will tutor to allowable limit.

History and Literature--full program according to Faculty vote.

Music--New Basic Piano requirement for concentrators and integration in courses to replace tutorial except for Senior honors candidates.

Philosophy--offering tutorial up to limits of Faculty vote.

Psychology--has been following own system, disregarding Faculty vote, but new departmental division in June will change organization.

Sociology--plans also to be announced after Department of Social Relations arrives in June.
