If plans presently being mapped by the University's teachers of applied physical science are developed and approved in time, Frederick V. Hunt, associate professor of Physics and Communication Engineering, hopes that by the fall term undergraduates will be able to begin concentration in the new Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Physics, of which he is chairman.
Students of physics and the applied sciences who have been earning their bachelor, master, and doctor degrees under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will in the future be grouped with Engineering Science concentrators in the new field, Hunt, wartime director of the Underwater Sound Laboratory, explained yesterday.
Announced by Dean Buck last Wednesday, the new field has been allotted a $2,000,000 endowment from the Gordon McKay Fund to train at the college level research engineers well grounded in basic sciences, in order to make up the deficiency resulting from the war.
Transfers of faculty members to the new department are currently being accomplished in fact, while present courses in natural sciences may be modified and used until a fully integrated curriculum for the new department has been laid out.
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