
Class of '49 Goes To Polls March 7 To Pick Leaders

First Termers Not Eligible; 10 Positions to Be Filled

Approximately 700 members of the Class of '49 will vote for ten members of a permanent class committee in the House dining halls at noon on March 7, Arthur C. McGill '48 of the Student Council announced yesterday.

About 300 first-term Freshmen will be ineligible to vote or hold office. Representatives of men who have just entered the College will be chosen at a later date after students have become better acquainted. The main function of the committee will be to make arrangements for the Freshman Jubilee, to be held the last week in April.

Nineteen students have been nominated, but additional men may be added by mailing a petition signed by a minimum of twenty members of the Class of '49 to McGill, Lowell P-22, not later than Saturday evening.

Those nominated thus far are as follows: Luis Amescua, David Barnhouse, Norman Brooks, Sal Costa, Bernard Edison, Hartley Fleishman, John Greene, Alan Heimert, John B. Jones, Lawrence Klepper, Townsend J. Knight, Benjamin H. Lacy.

Murray I. Liebmann, Richard McGrath, Lawrence O'Donnell, Howard Simpson, Buel S. Smith, Richard W. Wallach, and C. H. Wyche, Jr.
