Today, 8:30-5; Registration in Memorial Hall for new students and those returning after an absence.
11-1: Examination for exemption from English A in New Lecture Hall.
2-3:30: Placement test in Physics, New Lecture Hall.
3:45-5:15 Placement test in chemistry, New Lecture Hall
7:30 Reception for all new and returning students in Sanders Theatre. President Conant will speak.
Saturday, February 2, 9-10:30: Placement test in French, New Lecture Hall.
10:45-12:15 Placement tests in Spanish or German, New Lecture Hall.
1:30-3: Reading test, New Lecture Hall. Required of all new students.
Sunday, February 3, 11: Special services for returning veterans and new students, conducted by Dean Sperry, in the Memorial Church.
4: Open House for new Students, Phillips Brooks House.
Monday, February 4, 9: Required meeting for all new students in New Lecture Hall, to discuss choice of studies and other matters.
4: Preliminary meeting of English Aa, New Lecture Hall.
5: Study cards due before this hour.
Tuesday, February 5, 9-5: Registration for men in attendance during fall term, Memorial Hall.
2. Required meeting for all new students in New Lecture Hall. Department of Hygiene and Physical Training announcements.
3:30: Preliminary meeting of English Ab, New Lecture Hall.
7:30 Activities meeting, PBH.
Wednesday and Thursday, February 6 and 7: First regular course meetings.
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