

Speculation among local sports scribes as to Harvard's participation in a proposed sectional post-season basketball tournament is increasing rapidly as a result of the Crimson's spectacular rise to a position among the three top teams of New England.

Section 3, part 7 of the Athletic Rules Book would seem definitely to preclude such participation, for it decrees that "no post-season contests, or contests for the purpose of settling sectional or other championships, shall be permitted."

Possible loopholes in this rule were pointed out yesterday, however, by Bill Bingham, H.A.A. Director, who explained that it was intended to apply primarily to post-season football games in one or more of the Bowls.

"Exceptions have frequently been made, however, in others of the major sports," Bingham said, "particularly when the games were scheduled to take place immediately after the end of the official season. Thus there was no real break between regular and post-season games, and they could be considered as an extension of the regular season."

The Athletic Committee probably would vote to accept an offer to appear in the proposed N.C.A.A. New England tournament in March, concluded Bingham. "But it appears rather likely at the present time that there will be no such tournament," he cautioned, "and even if there should be one, we can't accept any offers before they are made; after all, we might not get one.
