
Russia Backs Move to Censure South African Racial Position; Miners Obey Lewis Work Order

Miners to Reenter Pits

PITTSBURGH, December 8--The back-to-work movement of the United Mine Workers, after a 17-day walkout that spread slow paralysis through a large part of the nation's economic system, gained momentum tonight with many miners voting to resume their jobs tomorrow.

Union officials reported thousands of workers in the western Pennsylvania fields, at a meeting hold this afternoon expressed themselves in favor of resuming their jobs as directed by their leader, John L. Lewis.

The sudden ending of the strike brought a feeling of relief to many mining towns which were experiencing a pre Christmas lull, but feelings of individual miners were mingled.

One Pennsylvania union district leader said he did not know how many of the workers would return to the pits tomorrow, saying many of the men were dissatisfied
