To place more emphasis, in general, on the value of the '50 Red Book as a permanent class record and, in particular, on the importance of Freshmen being photographed as soon as possible was decided last night between the Redbook Committee, headed by Robert J. Blinken '50, and Robert S. Leventhal '48, student Council representative to the Red Book.
Posing an immediate problem for the Committee was the laxity among class members in having their photographs taken, causing a stumbling block in the drive toward the normal publication date sometime in May. Loss than half the class has sat for a picture, the Committee reported.
Under the impression that not enough importance is being associated with the Red Book, the Committee stressed its value as the only permanent record of the original composition of the Class of 1950, to find its place in College archives along with Red Books of former years.
Photographs will be taken all next week in the second floor Common Room at the Union. In addition, the Committee will set up an appointment table during meal hours and conduct a room-to-room canvass primarily for the benefit of students who are as yet uncertain of their class affiliation, whether '49 or '50.
In order to expedite publication still further, the Committee issued an appeal for more workers to serve in various Red Book capacities.
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