
Yardling Quintet Victors 71 to 34 In Tuneup Game

Everett High School Succumbs As Rockwell Leads Scorers In Warmup for First Game

Completely outclassing the Everett High School five, the Yardling basketball team rolled to an easy 71 to 34 victory in a practice game yesterday afternoon on the Indoor Athletic Building court.

Led by John Rockwell, the Freshmen built up a 31 to 6 lead at half time, and then increased the pressure during the last twenty minutes. Coach warren Berg '44 put his entire squad into the game and at the end he expressed satisfaction at the showing made by his men.

Rockwell Scores 29

Although he experienced poor luck on his shots in the first five minutes, Rockwell, all scholastic forward from Indiana, soon found the range and thirteen of his shots were good for two points apiece. He added three foul shots for a total of 29. Two other players, forward Frank Lionette and guard Dick covey, also hit double figures, scoring 15 and 11 respectively.

Other scorers were Brynteson 8, Ham 4, Reifsnyder 2, and Goldsmith 2. Also in the Crimson lineup were: Crosby, Sager, Dailey, Kobush, Mobraaten, Belcher, and Altrocchi.


Outlook Bright

Today's game was a tune-up for the opener next Saturday against M.I.T. Although the passing was ragged at times, and the dribble used too much, the Yardling quintet appears to be headed for a highly successful season. Coach Berg was pleased with the scoring power of his club, and after some more practice, he believes these faults will be eliminated and that the Freshman five will prove troublesome for all their opponents.

Against Tech the probable starting lineup will be: Rockwell and Lionette at forwards, Reifsnyder and Covey at guards, and Dailey at center.
