
Speaker, Leaving U.S., Cancels India Lecture

V. K. Krishna Menon was forced to cancel a scheduled lecture on Indian political problems last night when he was suddenly called to London to participate in conferences between Jawaharlal Nehru, head of the Indian National Congress, and Clement Attice, England's Prime Minister.

In his place Professor Eddy Asirvathan, Chairman of the Department of Political Science at the University of Madras, and exchange professor at Boston University, spoke on the previously announced topic, "Can India Accept Freedom's Challenge?" to open a series of lecture on international affairs sponsored by the United Nations Council of Harvard.

Krishna Menon, who had arranged to meet the 35 Indian students studying here before his talk and to speak informally before the faculty's Conference on Public Affairs earlier in the afternoon, said in a telegram to David M. Little, secretary of the University, that he hoped a "similar visit some other time" could be arranged.
