
Coach Chase to Halve Varsity Puck Chasers, Cuts Freshmen Friday

Surveying the hectic scene of 30-odd men trying for the 16 available slots on the Varsity hockey squad, Coach John Chase has no definite word on which of the pucksters will get the final nod.

Possibilities as starting forward combinations are Johnnie Crocker, Bob Feloney, and Dave Farrell, with Bill Ayres, Bill Hamlin, and Lou Preston as alternates. However, two other lines of Tom Mosely, John McKeon, and Sid Greenly, and Dave Key, Art Lee and Wally Sears are strongly in the running.

Loaded with goalie talent, the team boasts John Lavalle, former tender of the nets for St. Paul's School, and two Freshmen, Copeland Draper and Bill Yetman. The latter is a Nova Scotian and former Junior Olympic star.

With a final cut due Friday, the Freshman squad is still in a state of flux, with no definite standouts mentioned as starters. Chase faces the universal problem of getting an untrained, inexperienced group to function as a unit before the opening game against Governor Dummer on the 11th.
