
'48 Sets Smoker Of 'Flowing Beer' For spring Term

Organizational, Album Duties Secondary, Leventhal Insists; High Entertainment Foreseen

Postponement of 1948's Class Smoker from Christmas vacation proximity until the spring term has been deemed "advice able" by the Smoker Committee, Chairman Robert S. Leventhal '48 announced last night.

"Inevitable conflicts with other social events and with final examinations" have caused the move, which comes at a time when arrangements for the affair are nearly complete. Regardless of the change in date, all guests and entertainers will appear as planned, Leventhal stated.

Since the prime motive for the Smoker is to organize the class, veterans of '48 returning in February will also benefit by the postponement of the meeting, which will allow them to get in on permanent class activities, Leventhal added.

To Organize Album

Besides giving impetus to the formation of the '48 Album Committee, the Smoker will serve as a start in class Day exercises and for a permanent Class Committee in view.


For the men of '48 who assume that the Smoker will be largely a class meeting, Leventhall hastens to point out that the highlights will be "outstanding entertainment and freely-flowing beer."
