
University Press Lists 'General Education' as Chief 1946 Best Seller

Now in its thirteenth printing, "General Education In A Free Society" achieves first honors as the 1946 best seller of the Harvard University Press. Concluding a year beset by paper shortages and printing difficulties, the Press nevertheless published 46 volumes, ranging from the esoteric "Spina Bifida and Cranium Bifidum" and "Tables of the Hankel Functions of Order One-Third and of Their Derivatives" to the more popular "Boston After Bulfinch" and "Serge Koussevitzky."

Although by no means a best seller, the proudest accomplishment of the publishing organization is the monumental four-volume edition of the William Makepeace Thackeray letters.

The Press reports as especially popular in the nation's bookstores for Christmas "Touched With Fire," the Civil War diary of Oliver Wendell Holmes; "Hintorical Anthology of Music," and the comprehensive two-volume edition of "Drawings in the Fogg Museum."
