
Representative Herter Urges G.O.P. to Keep Progressive Platform

"The basic duty of the G.O.P. is to maintain progressive free enterprise," Representative Christian Herter '15 declared yesterday, as he addressed the second meeting of the Republican Forum in Lowell House.

He outlined the task of the new Congress as falling into three parts, labor relations, housing and removal of controls, and emphasized the need for legislation that would simplify the "mass of confused and ineffective planning now in effect." Furthermore, the basic ideological difference underlies differences between the two parties.

Lack of centralization of command on the labor problem is the chief difficulty in handing the question, Herter said. Irresponsible strikes must be controlled, the Wagner Act revised to apply only to employer-employee cases, and internal operations of unions must be made public if things are to go on a sound basis. Such changes are not designed as a tough policy, but only to control the injustice of present laws."

As for the housing problem he noted that it is one of proper legislation for what has turned out to be a very tangled situation. Removal of controls will be simpler, for even the Democrats are getting sick of them.

While he remained aloof from positive predictions as to what actions the new Congress will take, Herter declared that he was sure of at least one point; "you can look for an over-all domestic cleanup, which will result in a decisive and progressive policy."
