

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In connection with your editorial of November 20, I should like to call to your attention the fact that our Committee has been awarding scholarships to veterans since February 1946. These scholarships fall into two categories: Veterans' National Scholarships, administered in conjunction with the revived National Scholarship program, and regular upperclass scholarships for men who fail to win, or are ineligible for, the National Scholarships. There are at present some 15 men holding Veterans' National Scholarships and a greater number holding awards under the regular program.

While it will probably be impossible to help all the veterans who apply, it is our Committee's hope that through careful allocation of the funds available the problem of veterans' finances may be at least partially alleviated.

Veterans interested in applying should consult the CRIMSON's notice column, which is currently running information concerning applications for scholarships. F. S. von Stade, Jr.   Chairman, Committee on Scholarships in Harvard College.
