
Schwebel Leads New University UN Group; By-Laws Are Adopted

With the election of officers and the adoption of by-laws, the newly-formed United Nations Council of Harvard dug in and began work last Saturday.

The group, in a special meeting at the Phillips Brooks House, elected Stephen M. Schwebel '50 as its chairman. Allan A. Sindler '48, and Baird Bryant '50 were named vice-chairmen. Other officers include Richard Elliot '45, secretary, and Edmund Woolrych 1GB, treasurer.

V. K. Krishna Meuon. Indian delegate to the United Nations, will speak Wednesday night, under the Council's sponsorship, on the topic "Can India accept Freedom's Challenge?" The organization has arranged jointly with the Student Council for the appearance of Jan Masaryk. Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia, for the following week.

Letters of congratulation from prominent world statesmen poured in as the group got underway. Wrote Senator Warren R. Austin, D.S. Delegate to the U. N. Security Council and Chairman of the American delegation to the U. N. General Assembly, wrote. "May I extend every best wish for a vigorous and effective organization in our guest cause."
