
Representative Herter Speaks at Republican Forum This Afternoon

Present and prospective Republicans will hear recently elected Representative Christian A. Herter '15, at the second meeting of the newly formed University chapter of the Republican Open Forum this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Lowell House Junior Common Room.

Herter's address, entitled "The G. O. P. the Future, and You," will outline general plans and policies of the Republican party during the next two years of Congressional majority. An open discussion by the students present will follow the talk.

Herter, who concentrated in Government as an undergraduate, is a noted government authority on food relief, served as American representative on the Allied Food Commission after the first World War and is now a member of the House Food Commission working in connection with UNRRA. Between the conflicts, he lectured in Government at the University for several years, and then was elected to Congress in 1940.

Today's gathering will mark the second monthly meeting of the Forum.
