
AVC Rally Tonight To Ask Rent Controls, New Housing Drive

Urging an "overwhelming turnout" for tonight's AVC Mass Rent Control Rally at Rindge Technical High School, Stanley G. Karson '48, Rally chairman, said that the meeting will provide a chance for University students to demonstrate their attitude toward President Truman's scrapping of the veterans' emergency housing program.

"The recent executive act, completely and irrevocably throwing Wilson Wyatt's program into the presidential ashcan, makes even more pressing the crystallizing of public sentiment on this vital issue," Karson said.

"As the presidential order put it, 'the veterans' need remains extremely urgent.' To follow this with an announced increase in sales and rental prices of new homes to veterans, the lifting of restrictions on non-vet construction, and the increasing of non-residential building--all this is to nullify the original statement."

Speakers on the agenda of the meeting, sponsored by the Harvard and Cambridge chapters of the Vets group, include Philip M. Nichols, chairman of the Massachusetts State Housing Board.
